Do these 5 things to overcome nerves when public speaking

  1. Be kind to yourself. The number one influencer of a strong performance is not how much you prepare; it’s what you say to yourself about yourself the night before and moments before you take the stage.

  2. Remind yourself that you’re adding value. Having confidence that what you are about to share with your audience is important and of value to them can be a powerful driver.

  3. Make positive assumptions. Research shows that most often, audiences are friendly. They don’t want you to trip or have your slides not work. When that stuff happens, audiences cringe in empathy for you. They want you to nail it! So remind yourself that you have a room full of cheerleaders.

  4. Breathe. The best antidote for nervousness and anxiety is oxygen, and the good news is that it’s all around you, available for you whenever you need it. So, when you’re about to speak or are speaking, allow time for some good-quality breaths.

  5. Stand strong. Confidence can be felt from the ground up. Stand in a strong, ready position with your two feet shoulder-width apart and 50% of your weight on each leg. This “grounding” tells your body and your mind that you’ve got this!


Do these 5 things to improve speaking when unprepared


Do these 5 things to “manage up”