Do these 5 things to build your confidence

  1. Monitor your inner soundtrack. It’s tough to feel confident after you’ve given yourself a major critique. That’s why it is SO important to feed yourself kind, compassionate, truthful messages. Positive self-talk is the number-one way to improve your confidence. So, next time you say something negative to yourself about yourself, immediately counter it with two positive messages. Also, try intentionally pausing throughout the day to note what you’ve done well so far.

  2. Manage how much you compare. The root of the impostor syndrome is comparison. No doubt, this is more intense today than ever before now that we see into each other’s worlds more easily through social media. The cure here is to notice when you’re comparing, challenge yourself to stop, and focus on what’s within your control.

  3. Retrace history. Take a trip down memory lane and remind yourself of your previous successes! I’m sure there will be many. Most importantly, let yourself feel proud. Then use those successes as topics for future flaunts.

  4. Celebrate every win. Big or small. When you take a moment to acknowledge when you’ve done something (anything) well, you’re training your brain to focus on your positive performances. And we know wins create more wins!

  5. Practice daily. Build your flaunting skills by intentionally doing it every single day. I often issue the “Flaunt Challenge,” which is to fill in the blank of "I'm absolutely amazing at...” every day for a month (with no repeats). Then find an opportunity to say it out loud to someone at some point during the day. Family, friends, coworkers, and bosses count. Pets do not.


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