Do these 5 things to keep your audience’s attention

  1. Be present. You have to give your audience your all. This starts even before you step on stage. Rather than scrolling on your phone or sweating over your speech, turn on your laser focus and begin thinking about your audience and what you want to impart to them. Remember: If you want them tuned in, you must be too!

  2. Get to the point! We live in a world full of distractions, and they are all competing for your audience’s attention. That’s why you must get to the point and hook them almost as soon as you start speaking. Avoid boring data dumps and updates, and instead share your insightful conclusions about the information you're sharing. Remember: It’s your job to organize your thoughts, not your audience’s.

  3. Use eye contact. Looking at your audience includes them in the conversations and holds them accountable to listening. Yes, even in virtual meetings—cameras on!

  4. Use the right voice. There is a voice that commands a room, and we all have it. It's the one that says, “Take me seriously.” The one that says, “What I have to say is important, and you ought to listen.” The one that says, "I believe in what I’m saying, and soon you will too." Speak with conviction, confidence, and clarity.

  5. Be fun to watch! Speak with expression and use variation in your voice and face. In our world of back-to-back meetings and information overload, we need it. If you feel like you’re being ridiculous, you’re probably just beginning to seem entertaining to your audience. Ever read to a child? When we do, we use silly faces and take on character voices. Believe it or not, at 2 pm on a Tuesday, I have the attention span of your four-year-old. Get animated!


Do these 5 things to get promoted